Saturday 9 April 2016

Something for your Sunday..!!

Hello beautiful people i have got something for you for your amazing sunday..!!

Remember none can rule you.
None can force you for anything.
Be that person which you always wanna be.
Your comfort level matters the most.
Beauty and intelligence isn't everything.
Live your life outside from that so called society shell. If you don't like it you really dont give a damn. Make sure it isn't hurting anyone and it isn't harming anyone. Whatsoever gonna happen they gonna judge you anyway. People and back stabbers  enteres and exists, you really don't give a damn. Make sure your self respect isn't being hurt all the time. If things aren't working properly it will be all well trust me because I trust you my beautiful growing soul.

Get yourself busy in some artistic stuff because art can get you the best satisfaction of life. Books, music, photography, good habits, your beautiful messy hairs, figure hardly matters( for the sake of fitness you can maintain sometimes ),your positive thoughts will make your mornings beautiful my love, don't just talk about forgiveness, mean it every time. You can still create your goals and can work upon it. Daily yoga can get you the real "Satisfied you".

Never ever try to under estimate any growing soul, we never know from what he or she's suffering. I know we all think about such stuffs related to getting focused and happiness all the day but do we really do it. Try to apply every single positivity in your life. And for that try to wake up early, keep calm for a while and listen to this beautiful mother nature. Such patience she has got man, how blessed we're. Listen to it and try to gain that patience into you. This world is such a beautiful place but humans aren't eligible for this world at all. People just wanna earn money money and just money, but deep inside they really don't know what they wants from this blessing called life.
Some people just wanna own an house nearby mountains and can even sell apples for the sake of survival, and there dream house remains only on lala land.

Guys don't do that, try to build your dream house in the way you want. Fight for your dreams my love. Fight for your dreams.  And make sure it will never remain that unfulfilled wish. AMEN

1 comment:

Fiction Wins Over Fakeness

In my all sorts of the poem, I have tried to describe one man of my fiction land which I thought neither either exists in reality. But may...